Stantec Building 105 Carlton Gore Rd


Green Buildings

Client: Argosy Property

Architect: Design Group Stapleton Elliot (DGSE)

Location: Newmarket, Auckland

Completion: 2023

Designed in the 1990s this tenanted building which was first completed in 2000 has now received a major life cycle refurbishment and upgrade which was completed in 2023. On this project, eCubed provided Hydraulic Engineering Design and the ESD team were the accredited Greenstar Professionals (GSAP). We also performed the role of Independent Commissioning Agent (ICA).

The building now features a new high performance façade, new landscaping, public realm and new energy efficient building services including intelligent LED lighting, a new air-conditioning system. The intention was to create an exemplar pragmatic, value driven life cycle decarbonisation of a tired existing building whilst at the same time upgrading its interior environment and facilities to its tenants to a market leading standard in Newmarket, making it fit for the next 25 years of use.

The building was awarded an exceptional 6 star Green Star Built rating version 3 at the end of March 2024. The building also received the following awards at the 2024 Property Council Awards ceremony in June 2024:

  • Sustainable Building Award - Excellence Award

  • Commercial Office Award - Merit Award

After the first year of operation the environmental performance of the building was remarkable and the building has lived up to its design and construction potential.