David Fullbrook

Mechanical Engineer & ESD Consultant

BSc (Hons) Environmental Engineering

“I’m always looking for a deeper architecture that’s more integrated, durable, sustainable, efficient and user friendly.

When I formed eCubed, I had a vision for a specialist building services practice that integrated sustainable design at its core. An emphasis not just on engineering services, but also on the whole built environment, including the way it is made, how it interacts with the environment and its users, and how it performs. I see the culmination of this as being what we refer to as our ‘True Green’ service.

Prior to eCubed, I worked throughout the world for major engineering and architectural consultancies, and bring this wider perspective and depth of experience to our projects here in New Zealand."

For over 30 years, Dave has been a building services engineering and sustainable design specialist. He has held principal and board positions with major engineering and architectural consultancies including Arup and Connell Mott MacDonald (Aurecon) in Australasia, Europe and the Middle East. He is one of the leading proponents for sustainability for residential, commercial and public buildings in New Zealand.

He has been at the forefront of the development of innovative design solutions and methodologies for the built environment throughout his career, with a significant number of awards for his buildings relating to sustainability, from ACENZ (Gold Award), NZIOB (Innovation Award), NZIA and the Property Council (Sustainable Building Awards).

David has a strong interest in integrated design, and has collaborated with most of the leading and emerging architectural practices in New Zealand. In 2007 he was made an honorary member of the NZIA, in recognition of his contribution to sustainable architecture in New Zealand. In 2012 he was awarded the President’s Award by NZIA for services to New Zealand architecture.

Dave is first and foremost an active and innovative practitioner and producer, and has an interest in energy efficient and sustainable design & construction.


☎: +649 303 0007


Key Projects